The Gospel of St. Matthew is filled with beauty. As we continue in chapter seven, today's reading is another passage that calls us to focus on how we are living as Christians. Are we traveling on the broad road with the wide gate to destruction? Do we toss aside the holy things only to hold onto the things that are passing?
So much of our lives seem to be about merely getting through the day, the week, the month. Doing laundry, cleaning, cooking, going to work, caring for loved ones, the to-do list is endless. And yet, this is the path to holiness. Are you sure? Yes, I am quite sure.
We are all called to love. Mother Teresa is often misquoted on this particular topic, what she said was, "my prayer for you is that truth will bring prayer in our homes, and from the foot of prayer will be that we believe that in the poor it is Christ. And we will really believe, we will begin to love. And we will love naturally, we will try to do something. First, in our own home, next-door neighbor in the country we live, in the whole world." Yes, her underlying message is: if you want peace in this world, go home, and love your family.
We are made for love. When we fulfill our to-do list with love, not bitterness, not beating our breast for attention or recognition, we live for Christ. Christ shows us that to love another is to serve them. Mother Teresa couldn't be a more saintly example of how serving others purifies our heart. Love is active; love is sacrificial; love is giving. Love begins with a life of prayer and ends with a servant's heart.
To live for Christ, to walk the narrow path that leads to life is not free of troubles, nor is it comfortable, but it is filled with the sweetness of Christ beside us.
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