Lord, you know everything; you know that I love you.
Do you love me? Feed my lambs.
Do you love me? Tend my sheep.
Do you love me? Feed my sheep.
Everything we've reflected on in these many weeks of Easter is coming together.
If we love him, we will bring people to him. We will make disciples. We will feed His sheep. When we love the Lord, we desire to serve the Lord.
The difficulty is that we have a million justifications for why we don't serve the Lord; among them are our doubts and fears about our abilities. God responds to our lack of faith, "I didn't ask you if you were able; I told you to go." Where we are lacking, God fills in the gaps. Remember, He offers us a part in our salvation. Don't be afraid to Go. Baptize. Teach. He promises us, "I am with you always."
Where does your greatest desire meet His greatest need?
Feed His sheep.
How do you live out the purpose of your sacred life?
Feed His sheep.
How do you glorify the Father?
Feed his sheep.
Do you love the Lord? Feed His Sheep.